Archive | September, 2010


28 Sep

Just checking in. Letting you know I am still alive. I can’t promise I’ll be alive much longer though. I’m going to New Orleans with the sleazeteam today. We’re probably going to accidently explode the city, but I’m not too worried about it.

Babe Bambi; Queen of my heart

for Harper’s Bazaar Australia

October 2010

WTF is this shit?

21 Sep

I don’t usually post twice in a day, but I just couldn’t not blog about this…& since I am leaving for New Orleans around midnight & will be gone for nearly two weeks (don’t expect too many [if any] updates), so I figured I might as well.

I’m not sure if I love this or hate it. In one way, it’s the stupidest belt I’ve ever seen in my life…but on the other hand, it’s also pretty badass. Now, granted, if you’re going to pull off this dumb accessory, you need to be a size -00…so I doubt you’ll be seeing too many people aside from fashion’s favorite coke head, Kate Moss, wearing this thing.

I don’t know much about the skeleton belt, except that it was created by Delfina Delettrez & runs around $2500 (pocket change). I don’t think I’ll be saving my money for this anytime soon, but I am guessing if I really wanted to, I could probably find something similar this time of year at Spirit Halloween.

…it’s like the more I look at it, the dumber it gets.

Source: Opening Ceremony

Anna Sui 2011

21 Sep

Holy cow, don’t even get me started.

Everything about this collection/show is gorgeous. Sui has really been impressing me lately.


Ralph Lauren 2011

20 Sep

Holy moly, I am in squishy smushie love with Ralph Lauren’s 2011 collection that just debuted at NYFW11. The small floral prints & long flowy dresses are definitely reminding me of autumn in Alabama. Pair those dresses with brown boots, a chunky belt, & a jean jacket, & you’ve got yourself my dream outfit, Mr. Lauren.



12 Sep

This weekend I reconnected with a friend I lost touch with about 6/7 years ago. I have spent most of those missing years trying to find her, but always failed due to me moving too much, constantly changing my phone number/email & all in all- being forgetful of her information. I used to spend nearly every day with this girl- & somehow or another, our friendship just fell off the face of the earth. But somehow (& thankfully!), on Friday night, I got an email from Live fucking Journal (which I have not updated since 2006) saying I had a message (since when did LiveJournal get an email service?) & low & behold, it was Jessica Naomi. Holy moly, I almost fell off of my bed. Needless to say, talking to her again was like nothing had changed. We picked up right where we left off.

Anyway- turns out she has this Etsy shop, Conjuration. Some of the most gorgeous stuff ever. Very fairytale-esq; witch boxes (I want one of those so badly), crystal necklaces, perfume oil, Dracula lockets (want that so badly, as well), specimen cabinets, etc etc. Just look at this stuff:

& then, as if I couldn’t enjoy her stuff (& her) even more than I already do, I start browsing around her Flickr account & see this:

Now, if you’ve been reading this blog since it’s birth, you may recall me obsessing like a shitdick over something rather very similar:

So, of course, when I saw her version of the ring I have been obsessing over for nearly a year, I wanted to email her & tell her to put together a jewelry box for me or something. Which, I still may do (Jessica, if you’re reading this….hinthint. Just kidding. Sort of)… So please, please go check out her stuff. You’re going to love it. Read about it in her profile. Go look at how lovely she is on her Flickr account, etc etc. Just go. Buy her stuff. Tell your friends.

Jessica- I am so, so happy we have reconnected. You have no idea ❤ Love you.


7 Sep

Most perfect labor day weekend. Two of my favorite people from Los Angeles came up to visit; did some shopping, ate too much, much needed laugh-fest, etc. Mel chopped away my bangs & I added a few things to my wardrobe. I’m really loving this trend of oversized everything. I hate getting dressed, so if wearing “baggy” things is as close as I can get to never getting out of my pajamas, then so be it. & those shorts…well, they are just so stupid, I couldn’t resist buying them.

I also got a few other things, along with some different hair products from my friend Mallory. She’s shipping them to me. They were not cheap by any means…but thanks to her being so amazing, I got them on a delightful discount & I am hoping my hair grows down to my ass overnight.

Speaking of hair…here’s a picture of my new bingo bango’s.

& one more thing before I go- I used to do this thing on my blog every Tuesday called “Tuesday’s Tunes” (dumbest title in the history of titles, I know). I haven’t done it in a long time, but since it’s Tuesday…

I cannot- CANNOT- stop listening to Temple of the Dog’s first (& only) self-titled album. The album was released in 1991 & definitely has that classic 90’s grunge sound (as it should since the band consists of Eddie Vedder & Chris Cornell). God damn, it’s so good. However, to add into that mix, I’ve also had the song “Gambler’s Blues” by Lightenin’ Hopkins on repeat all weekend too. Go figure.

I will be in New Orleans in exactly 2 weeks. Much needed break from the west coast; can’t wait to be back south & love on all of my favorite people.

Wedding Daze

4 Sep

I am “obsessed” with these rings from Satomi Kawakita. They are a little pricey, but holy moly, they are beautiful. If I ever get married (haha), I’d love to have something like this for my wedding ring instead of a traditional gold/siler band.

Speaking of weddings, a friend of mine back home is getting married in three weeks & is honeymooning in San Francisco. Since they are tight on money (as most newlyweds are) & I will be in New Orleans during the time they are here, I offered them my apartment. It’s cozy & cute &…you know…free. They were pretty happy about it & I was even happier to do it for them.

Also, having to do with weddings (as it’s been on the brain lately- so many of my friends are tying the knot over these next few months), I have started looking at a lot of wedding photography & there’s some pretty amazing things out there.

Tuesday’s gone with the wind

1 Sep

All I want to do is bring a sack of hushpuppies to a pier, stuff my face, & then go fishing for catfish. Maybe listen to some Leadbelly, cos that won’t scare the fish away- just bring them closer. I’ll be in Louisiana in exactly 3 weeks, so kiss my ass, California.