Archive | February, 2010

Busy & Simple

22 Feb

‘I know you think she was the one, but I don’t. I think you’re just remembering the good stuff. Next time you look back, I think you should look again.’


15 Feb

Happy Valentino Day

14 Feb

No way, Valentines Day. I’m celebrating Valentino Day!

From the pre-Fall 2010 collection. Amazing!

&. . .well. . .to be fair. . . .

Happy Valentines / Valentino day, whichever one you decide to celebrate!

Snowday {part deux}

12 Feb

My mom has been out of town for awhile due to a family emergency, so she missed the snow day completely. I think the last time my mom & I saw snow together, I was around 8 years old. I made her a video so she could watch all this pretty white fluff fall down with me.

{ps: this is only the 2nd time I’ve even opened my video editing thing, so it’s nothing fancy. hah}

Alabama snow

12 Feb

It’s snowing! It’s snowing!

{ this is my snowbuddy, poncho. he’s from paris…obviously }

Sad day in the fashion world

11 Feb

RIP Alexander McQueen


{ What a tragic ending to such a huge inspiration. He will be missed. }

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

10 Feb

I just got home from a little independent movie theater showing “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.” This movie was positively fantastic. It was the movie Heath Ledger was filming when he died. He was in it a significant amount, however, the parts he didn’t finish, they pulled in Johnny Depp, Jude Law, & Colin Ferrell to finish. As odd as it sounds, it worked. & it worked oh-so well. You’ll have to see the movie to understand how this entire concept played out so fantastically.

It was said Heath Ledger really became the characters he portrayed in films while working on movies (not only on screen, but off screen as well). After he passed, it was stated by a few people close to him that he had really become this character of his in “Dr. Parnassus,” which is one of the reasons he started mixing so many drugs (to calm his nerves & help him sleep). He did an outstanding job in this movie;  however, it was very obvious to see how he got so wrapped up in his character. It was also a little creepy knowing that this was the role that lead him to his very unfortunate death.

With that sad fact aside, “The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus” was brilliant. The cinematography was great, the plot was great, the characters were amazing….etc etc. It’s one of the those movies that has a story underneath the actual story, you know? The plot of the movie was amazing, but when you actually dissect the movie, there’s a completely different story underneath what you’re actually given.

It’s a little hard to explain, because this movie was kind of out there. Just go see it, whenever you get a chance. It’s not playing in a lot of places, but if you have to drive a bit to get to it, it’s worth it.

Tomorrow night, I am going to see a special screening of “To Catch a Thief.” I love old movies- especially old movies starring Cary Grant & Grace Kelly.

Play date

8 Feb

I love these two photographs. It’s from a Parisian puppet theater in 1963. The bottom photo is from the point in the story when St. George slays the dragon.

Way down in Alabam

7 Feb

I am in Birmingham. Doing this. Doing that. Lost my voice. I sound like I have emphysema. I don’t feel sick?, but apparently I am getting sick (as told by doctor friend #1 & doctor friend #2). I don’t write much about my life, but I don’t have much else to blog about today, so I might as well.

I stayed with my cousin/Godsister last night. Had a great time. Went to some new, fancy shmancy Greek restaurant nextdoor to Jacksons. It was delightful. Greek people love other Greek people, so we were treated very nicely.

Re-RECording my part as Laura in a short we’re trying to put together. As soon as I don’t sound like a 50 year old smoker, I’ll be good to go. Bought some killer red lipstick. Going to New Orleans next weekend to celebrate the last weekend of Mardi Gras. Growing up in a place that celebrates Mardi Gras has always been a treat, but once I moved away, I never went back- so this will be my first time back at my real home in about 5 years. Annnnnd, I’m going to Austin soon to see my best bestfriend (+ family) of 20 years. Oh so exciting! May or may not be going back to California in April (??). Quite enjoying my time away from there.

Oh, lovely!

4 Feb